Event Coverage — September 27, 2016 at 4:24 pm

The Ultimate Burnout Challenge Collie


The Ultimate Burnout Challenge Collie AKA UBC came to visit WA yet again , but this time it was at the awesome Collie Motorplex , were no stranger to the collie plex , we have shot many skid and drift days there in previous years but UBC was definitely something else!

3 truckloads of cars came for the visit from Victoria aswell as a whole bunch of local and country skid cars , the likes of LYNCHY and B1GV8 were just some of the highlights for us aswell as MADSAM in his Capri and MRBADQ in a gorgeous blown HQ Monaro put on an awesome skid show . Car after car, tyre after tyre were destroyed in the pad in a nonstop format of blown and N/A cars which made it interesting and unlike any other skid competition we have ever experienced

UBC is definitely one for the calendar next year!

Check out our 1000+ photo gallery here and some of our favorites below

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the Winner of UBC Collie – Matt James in UNWANTED

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