Event Coverage — June 3, 2013 at 11:35 am

South side eights and kustoms cruise – 2nd June 2013


20130602-ss8_UL_1242Yesterday we were invited to a morning cruise by a facebook group called ” Southside eights and kustoms ” , the group consists of a bunch of old school cars aswell as a few newer model v8’s and custom / modified vehicles , the cruise was palnned for a 10:30am meet at coogee beach so we decided to tag along . We were only going to do the first meetup point but after seeing what was on the run , we decided to tag along in out not so v8 EL falcon πŸ™‚

Another great bunch of cars and people and with no stupid driving on the run and a easy to follow drive , it was a great morning and we hope you enjoy the below photoset.

photos by : Ryan Annear – Fully Automotive
( feel free to share the below images but please keep in tact πŸ™‚ )

[nggallery id=173]



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