MAX Murray Auto Extravaganza 2013 was bigger than last year for sure, more cars, more people thru the gates and what seemed like even better weather (not as hot) as last year!! all the usual stalls were there again this year plus along with the R/C trucks doing a show they had the WA mini bike riders club showing and performing some stunts for the appreciative crowd over the back of the north end of the park, the dyno was going well plus the food stalls and kids rides were all doing great. heaps of friends to catch up with or just hang out and sit in the shade with a cool drink or food made it a very enjoyable and relaxing day.
things seem to be on the up and up for this show so hopefully i may actually enter a car next time (mind you i did enjoy just riding around on the esky)
this is just a quick run down on the show as i’m behind in my processing, so sorry if it’s not more involved, by maybe next year you should just come see it for yourself!!
Photos and words : Dodgee Bruce
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