Event Coverage — May 8, 2012 at 5:16 pm

Mandurah car show 2012 – 29th April 2012


Sunday the 29th of April was marked on the calendar for the annual Mandurah car show, and we decided to make this our debut car show and rep the Autolife Name

We rose early on Sunday morning and joined up with the all ford club of WA in Kwinana for a pre-meet and brekky before heading down the back way to the Mandurah forshore, the weather didn’t look very good but the weatherman promised us a patchy day so we were hoping we got at least a little bit of sunshine to mingle with the crowds

Apon arrival we were ushered to our reserved spot and parked up, pretty much straight away it bucketed down with rain, stopping shortly after. We all got out our chamois and dried off our cars as it looked like it wasn’t going to rain again for a few hours and we were right! , it ended up being quite a nice day.

On show was everything from vintage motorbikes, hot rods , street cars and even a section for our JDM friends to display their rides , everyone was catered for and bet of all it was free!

The Autolife banner was bought out from hiding and put up alongside our counterparts banner, Bruce also came down for the show displaying for the first time his Skyline coupe. Both Bruce and I threw our cars over our dashboards and under our wiper blades promoting Autolife Perth and Bruce even added 2 of our decals onto the skyline ( we have plenty left ! , come buy one! Or maybe even get one for free if we feel generous! )

Trophy presentations saw one of who we cruised down with from the all ford club win the best paint award and the show wrapped up ad we headed down the monster trucks at the plex.

Overall we had a great day, meet a few more potential features for Autolife which is a bonus!

Photos and Review by Ryan Annear – Autolife perth / Fully Automotive



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