Event Coverage — March 23, 2015 at 8:34 pm

German car day 2015



The 2015 German car day was brilliant, even washed my 300E and got there on time for once, as i missed the previous years shows i really wanted to make this one! and although i only used a wide angle lens (not the best for panning shots but the people were sharp enough!) i managed to cover most groups and got some ripper shots (well i DGG_6156-1think i did). with all the main German makes on show, all you could do was pick a fav. I’m sure a few people liked the 1936 500K that lead the cruise up the hill from the start point in the CBD and grace it’s way through Kalamunda and along the Mundaring weir rd and up to the end in Chidlow, (which i just  missed as they came out on Grt Eastern rd), but at the park opposite the tavern they was enough room for every model of Porsche, Mercedes, Volkswagen and BMW’s plus the Audi’s as well that made the cruise there. with some popular food stalls and the music man singing good old songs, cake stalls and some motoring stalls you had a fair bit to keep you entertained for a few hours! i walked around taking photos but also checking out some very nice benz coupes, if i didn’t already have 5 or so cars i could easily fall for either a 560SEC or a little 350 or 500SL coupe… maybe one day…. but then you had cool Porsches or beemers also taking my eyes off the prize! oh well one powerball! all up it was a good day to own a DGG_6149-1German car with around 250 or so on the park i couldn’t think of a better way to laze away a sunday… well i could but that means i’d have to work on something, nah cruises are much better. maybe by next year i’ll finally have those mags painted and polish the car and lower the suspension and….. 😉
till next show, DB.

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Coverage by Dodgee Bruce


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