Charity car washes aren’t new, there’s some on every weekend and i dont usually go to them if i can help it, but when its run by the ever energetic Nikki Mauri and teamed with go-go, Burlesque and theatre dancers and performers then i’m all over it! The Burly Girly charity car wash was raising funds for the “No Matter What” team and hosted at Morley Fast Eddies who were gracious enough to let them use there drive thru to wash and clean the cars!!! (we wont mention the uproar that the established carwash inside the undercover parking made in the week before!!! boo hiss) and although the kool cars were few and far between, they still did a great job an all those that did line up to get there cars washed by a bevy of talent, including the only guy washer there. and with a DJ pumping out some very cool tunes to keep the boredom away and maybe do a few moves i can say it was the best car wash i have been to in a while!
Customers could either wait and watch or go inside (with some included discount coupons too) and sit in the shade and have a cool shake or burger while the girls.. and guy.. toiled away on there wheels. I had a blast trying to capture the fun and not get wet..but i had to pull myself away to visit another show that was on near the city (mind you it took nearly 45mins for me to leave!) but i think it was a winner to all concerned and i hope they raised a heap of money for the charity to boot!
cant wait til the next on 😉 DB
Photos And words : Dodgee Bruce – Firebird Photography
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