located at Wyalkatchem Airport a few hundred k’s north of Perth was the long awaited event of car enthusiast’s from right around WA , the Antilag.com Racewars , the event promised entrants an experience they would never forget and it delivered this promise all weekend , everything from falcons , commodores , lotus’s , Ferraris , lambos where all racing up to 1000m passes , something that has never been seen in W.A
special appearances from a areobatic plane , which put on a stunt show before racing side by side against a McLaren and a beautiful aventador made the event well worth the trip , having never seen either of these cars up close was a treat in itself!
the 2 day event was split with 400 and 800m passes on Saturday and Sunday came host of the rolling and static 1000m passes , conditions on the track were mixed with some saying there was plenty of grip , other saying it was slippery as hell , but overall we didn’t hear too much complaining on the racing side of things.
it was well worth the full tank of juice to get out there and watch HSV’s and Subaru’s chop the crap out of the exotics , and see some different types of cars that’s we generally don’t see at the Perth events , the town itself played a good host to the event even though we didn’t have signal on either phone ( must take a Telstra phone next time!) and no ATM’s ( we too plenty of cash ) , they provided us free camping on the recreation oval Saturday night and antilag threw together a after party across the street at the bowls club.
Massive Thanks to TJ for the media access , the Perth underground team for the unexpected morning convoy and on track shenanigans and Antilag.com for hosting a great event
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